Deadliest Fiction Wiki

When a free man dies, he loses the pleasure of life. A slave loses his pain. Death is the only freedom a slave knows. That's why he's not afraid of it. That's why we'll win.
— Spartacus, Spartacus (1960)

Spartacus was a Thracian gladiator and the leader of the escaped slaves that fought against the Roman Republic in the Third Servile War.

Little is known of Spartacus's life before the events of the war, and most records are contradictory and rarely reliable, but most accounts on his origins agree that he was a Thracian mercenary who served the army of the Roman Republic, deserted, and was captured and enslaved as a gladiator.

Spartacus was brought to a gladiator school near Capua, where he was trained as type of heavyweight gladiator called a murmillo. Along with seventy of his fellow gladiators, Spartacus planned to escape the school. In 73 BC, Spartacus and his companions armed themselves with kitchen utensils, fought their way out of the school, and seized several wagons of weapons and armor.

The gladiators plundered the regions around Capua, freeing other slaves to bolster their ranks and defeating the Roman legions sent after them. Despite lacking proper military training, Spartacus and his army displayed remarkable ingenuity when facing the Romans, using local materials and unusual tactics to overcome their enemies. With these victories, more and more slaves flocked to join Spartacus's army.

Alarmed by the success of Spartacus's rebellion, the Roman Senate commissioned Marcus Licinius Crassus, the wealthiest man in Rome, with ending the revolt. Crassus marched eight legions against the slave army, and won several engagements, forcing the slaves to retreat into southern Italy.

Spartacus attempted to broker a deal with coastal pirates to have his army sailed to Sicily, but he was betrayed, and was faced with Crassus's approaching army and no way to escape Italy. Spartacus decided to bring the full force of his army on Crassus in a last stand, which resulted in Spartacus's death in battle and the execution by crucifixion of the surviving rebels.

Battle vs. Harald Hardrada (by The Deadliest Warrior)

Spartacus is walking through an open plain with his weapons with him and his shield on his arm. In the distance he spots Harald Hardrada watching him, Viking bow in hand. The Viking king roars at the heavens and notches an arrow and fires at lightning speed. The arrows bounces off of Spartacus' shield. The Gladiator, in response, takes out his sling and puts a pebble he finds on the ground in it, swinging it rapidly. Hardrada scoffs, but the projectile is true to its mark and strikes the Viking in the chin.

King Harald grabs his throwing spears and hurls them at Spartacus, and while one misses and sticks firmly into the ground, the other grazes the gladiator's arm and causes it to bleed. Spartacus grabs his trident, net, and gladius and runs at the Viking, while Hardrada aims at the gladiator rebel with another arrow. Before he can fire, though, Spartacus slashes at the bow with his sword, cutting it cleanly in half. Hardrada barely has time to swing his shield in front of his face before Spartacus unleashes hell with furious blows from the gladius on Hardrada's shield arm. Hardrada slams the shield into Spartacus' chest, knocking him flat on his back.

This time it is Spartacus' turn to defend with his shield as Hardrada attacks with his longsword. However, Hardrada's sword is much more powerful than Spartacus' leather shield, and he tears clean through it, also hacking at the gladiator's arm. Spartacus rolls to one side right before the Viking plunges the sword right where Spartacus was moments before. Spartacus throws his net at Harald but misses, and instead takes the trident and thrusts wildly at his opponent. Hardrada clashes weapons as he gets his longsword caught in the prongs of the trident. The Viking throws the weapon aside, sending the trident with it. Spartacus falls back and Hardrada advances with only his shield left.

Spartacus moans weakly as Hardrada slams the edge of the shield, with all his might, into the face of the gladiator, breaking bones. The Viking continues his brutality long after the gladiator is dead. Finally he stands up, roars in victory, and runs away in a battle-fury.

Expert's Opinion

The main reason why Hardrada was victorious, according to the experts, was that his bow overpowered Spartacus' sling by a long shot, and that his brutality and ferocity made him the uultimate killing machine.

To see the original battle, weapons, and votes, click here.

Battle vs. William Wallace (by Wassboss)

William Wallace is sitting in the middle of a field in Scotland planning his next attack on the British. Suddenly he feels a sharp pain in his arm. He turns and sees Spartacus standing a few metres away sling in hand. Wallace picks up his ball and chain and a runs at spartacus who loads up another rock into his sling. He slings it at wallace who blocks with his shield before throwing his ball and chain.

Spartacus easily dodges the projectile and pulls out his trident and wallace pulls out his claymore. Wallace charges at spartacus and swings his claymore at him but spartacus blocks with his shield. He thrusts forwards with the trident but wallace blocks with his own shield. Wallace stabs forward with his claymore and scrapes spartacus’s side. Spartacus is undeterred and stabs wallace in his unprotected hand.

Wallace drops his sword and shouts in pain. Spartacus tries to stab him in the chest but wallace blocks with his shield. He then pulls out his war hammer and swings it a spartacus who jumps back. He thrusts forward with the trident and gets wallace in the stomach but the chain mail prevents serious injury. Wallace swings his hammer at spartacus’s head but only manages to knock his helmet off.

Spartacus throws his net at him but wallace moves out of the way and it flies past harmlessly. Spartacus tries to stab him again but wallace blocks with his shield and hits spartacus in the arm with the hammer causing spartacus to drop his trident. Spartacus screams in pain and smashes wallace round the face with the shield stunning him. He then pulls out his Gladius and stabs wallace in the arm.

Wallace grits his teeth and takes out his last remaining weapon the dirk. He pushes spartacus back and swings forward with the dirk narrowly missing spartacus’s face. Spartacus hits wallace with his shield again and thrusts forward with the galdius but it is blocked by the targe. Spartacus gose for an over head swing but wallace ducks underneath and stabs spartacus in the leg.

Spartacus yells in pain and hits wallace multiple times with his shield, forcing him to leave the dagger in spartacus’s leg. Spartacus bends down to pull out the knife and wallace sees his chance. Letting out a war cry he charges forward his targe held out in front of him. Spartacus stands up again and wallace rams the spike on the targe through spartacus’s chest killing him instantly. Wallace yanks out the targe’s spike and spartacus fall to the ground. Wallace raises his shield in the air and yells in victory. Winner William Wallace

Expert’s Opinion

William Wallace won because his armour and weapon were better.

To see the original battle, weapons, and votes, click here.

Battle vs. Hannibal Barca (by Goddess of Despair)

No battle written


Expert's Opinion

Hannibal won this fight mainly due to his domination in x-factors. Spartacus' troops were not nearly as battle hardened as Hannibal's troops. Hannibal also had the surperior short range weapon, not to mention the fact that the sarissa, unlike the trident and net, can be used in formations.

To see the original battle, weapons, and votes, click here.

Battle vs Arminius (by Deathblade 100)

Europe, Roman Empire

Spartacus moved stealthily along the worn, dirt road, after narrowly escaping the Roman legions that had put down his revolt. He had his Pilum in one hand and a net and trident in the other. As he stops to gain his bearings, a Framea spear whistled through the air and narrowly missed him. Arminius emerged out of the nearby forest, axe in hand. Spartacus hurled his Pilum at the Germanic tribesman, but narrowly misses him. Arminius rushed in with his axe and swung down at the former gladiator. Spartacus jumped out of the way of the weapon and threw his net at his opponent, entangling the Cherusci chieftain. Spartacus quickly knocked the helpless German over before drawing his trident back. As the trident came down, Arminius managed to swing his club into Spartacus' knee, crippling him. Dropping his trident, Spartacus drew his Gladius and Sica. Arminus managed to throw the net off and drew his Spatha. Raising his shield, Arminius charged into the gladiator, winding him.

As Spartacus gathered his breath, Arminius thrust forward with his Spatha, wounding the gladiator. Spartacus swung his Sica at Arminius, the curved blade arcing around the chieftain's shield. As the tip of the Sica impacted the German, Arminius pulled himself away from the blade before slamming his club into the gladiator's hand, forcing Spartacus to drop the Sica. Arminius looked down at the gash in his tunic before thrusting forward with his Spatha. Anticipating the move, Spartacus leapt out of the way of the blade, only for Arminius to swing his club into the side of the former rebel's head. As Spartacus clumsily thrust forward with his Gladius, Arminius brought the pommel of his Spatha down onto the rebel's head, stunning him. As Spartacus looked up, groggily, Arminius brought the sword down onto his opponent's neck.

Raising his bloodied Spatha into the air, Arminius yelled "For the Cherusci!" in victory before walking off back into the forest.

Expert's Opinion

While Spartacus was the better known of the two, Arminius possessed better weapons and tactics allowed him to claim victory here. Another key factor was the fact Arminius actually was successful in his battle against Rome, while Spartacus was not and later was eradicated after two years of revolt.

To see the original battle, weapons and votes, click here.
