Deadliest Fiction Wiki

A battle of the butchers

Freddy Kruger, Myers, Leaterface, Jason Voorhess, Chucky, Ghostface, Hairey warden, and Hannible who do you think is deadliest.

Factor Freddy Myers Leather face Jason Chucky ghostface warden hannable
weapon glove knife chainsaw machete Glock knife pickax knife
Origin Elm street Halloween Texas crystal lake jersey Illinois valentine day Germany
active 1987 to now 1978 to now 1967 to now 1984 to now 1990 to now 1995 to now 1985 to now 1947 to now
X factor immortal in dream powered by evil family indestructible toy look trick 2 of him each time mining gear doctor psycholinguists

voting is same as rest 3 points a paragraph 1 point 2 to 3 sentences none 1 word
