Deadliest Fiction Wiki

Saruman the traitorous wizard and powerful wizard of Isengard vs, Voldemort the dark sorcerer who's maliciousness wide spread fear and terror through out the wizarding world. Who is deadliest?





Saruman name Voldemort
Staff close range Nagini
fireball mid range Crucio (torture curse
lightning long range Avada Kedavra (killing curse)
telekinesis special weapons Apparition (teleportation)
none x factor none

  • Note Avada Kedavra can be blocked by a physical object/other spell or dodged


Saruman is walking through the courts of Orthanc, all of a sudden a bolt of green energy surges past his head he turns and sees Voldemort his wand raised for battle. Saruman retaliates hurling a bolt of lightning at Voldemort who apparates away from it and reappears near the wizard and casts Crucio on him. Saruman screams and falls to the ground, writhing in pain. The Dark Lord lifts the curse and prepares another spell but Saruman trips Voldemort with his staff and begins viscously beating him with it.
Before he can suffer any more damage Voldemort apparates again a bit further from him. Saruman throws a Fireball at him but Voldemort apparates away and the projectile hits the ground and explodes. He reappears with Nagini and hisses to the snake in parseltounge and Nagini slithers into a nearby brush. Once again Voldemort casts Avada Kedavra. Thinking fast Saruman fires a bolt of lightning hitting the green bolt causing an explosion. Saruman hears hissing and finds that Nagini has slither up next to him ready to bite. Saruman throws the snake with telekinesis and fires a burst of lightning at the snake, frying it.
The wizard is caught off guard as Voldemort had appeared next to him and had cast Crucio on him. The dark lord lifts the spell and apparates away not to repeat the first time. He attempts again to cast Avada Kedavra but he is interrupted by Saruman's telekinesis and is pulled across the ground. Saruman spins his opponent around rapidly and then hurls upward. As Voldemort comes down Saruman speeds up the fall and causes the Dark Lord to land head first with a sickening crush. He then allows his Uruk-Hai to dine on his dead opponent.